Acting as a court appointed deputy
If an individual has lost mental capacity without having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, and has no family members or friends willing or able to apply to become their Deputy, Allied Services Trust can apply to the Court of Protection to act as their Deputy for Property and Financial Affairs.
Allied Services Trust has Trust Corporation status granted by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice England and Wales to act as an organisation on an someone’s behalf. This gives greater surety of continuation of service than appointing an individual.
Allied Services Trust has strong working relationships with professionals such as social workers and local authorities to build a network of assistance. When appointed as a Deputy, the organisation allocates a dedicated case worker to manage the client’s affairs and follows the Court Order issued by the Court of Protection and is compliant to the Professional Deputyship Standards set by the Office of the Public Guardian.
We always work in the best interests of the client, and support independent living. We are dedicated to the preservation of a client’s funds and only charge to cover our overheads. Our charges are affordable and below the Guideline Hourly Rates, and we offer charitable reductions for those most in need